Sunday, 8 July 2012

Ira's Wedding, Ronit Farm חוות רונית 2/7/12

So nice to get to this well known venue...

For the chuppah i made 2 large white arrangements that were later transferred to the bars.

I added something a little extra- white lizi with euchalyptus mini bouquets for the seats along the aisle

I also added a little extra on the reception tables... some lizis around the ashtrays just to bring something to the area...

For the table centrepieces, i made these modern white carnation & green ball arrangements, it worked so well with the black chairs of  the venue. 

Omer & Jonathan's Wedding, Beit al HaYam, בית על הים Yafo 29/6/12

A beautiful venue on the beach where Tel Aviv & Yafo meet, Omer & Jonathan had a lovely Friday daytime wedding. Just a couple of things here, a large bar arrangement & decorating the chupah poles... but was really lovely!